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by Alex Bunardzic

由Alex Bunardzic

自助服务时代即将结束 (The Age of Self-Serve is Coming to an End)

The history of the human race is basically a history of technology.


Some would object that history of human race is pretty much a history of warfare. However, since all warfare is fought and won by utilizing technology, I’ll hold fast to my opening statement.

有些人会反对人类的历史几乎就是战争的历史。 但是,由于所有战争都是通过利用技术进行斗争并取得胜利,因此我将坚持我的开幕词。

Technological progress is a double-edged sword. Our advancement has long held the power to liberate us, but it has recently been used to dominate us.

技术进步是一把双刃剑。 我们的进步长期以来一直拥有解放我们的力量,但是最近它已被用来统治我们。

当玩家成为玩家 (When a Player Becomes the Played)

It all starts innocuously and innocently: we find a way to avail ourselves of some exciting, mesmerizing technological innovation. We feel it solves so many of our problems. But then, slowly and imperceptibly, we come to the rude awakening and a startling realization that we’ve turned into a servant of that cherished technological product.

这一切都是天真无邪地开始的:我们找到一种方法来利用一些令人兴奋的,令人着迷的技术创新。 我们认为它解决了很多问题。 但是,然后,我们慢慢而又不知不觉地来到了无礼的觉醒和惊人的意识到,我们已经变成了这种珍贵的技术产品的仆人。

Be it an automobile, or a TV set, or a computer, or a smart phone etc., we always tend to fall into the trap of wasting many of our waking hours serving those products, slaving and mindlessly obeying their demands.


We always start as masters, basking in the glory of our latest acquisition, but then invariably fall into the trap of worrying and slaving and becoming addicted.


One of the most recent tricks on the population at large was the ushering of the age of self-serve.


It all started innocently enough: back in the day when technology was still quite primitive, we needed intermediary agents/brokers to assist us with the usage.


An example would be a post office specialists who were trained to translate our text into and then send it across the wire to another location (even to this day we still retain the term ‘to wire something’ when we’re sending any content electronically).

一个例子就是邮局的专家,他们受过培训,可以将我们的文本翻译成 ,然后通过电线将其发送到另一个位置(即使到今天,当我们发送任何内容时,我们仍然保留术语“为某物接线”)电子方式)。

Another example would be telephone operators. Early phones were implemented by utilizing technology that was much more primitive compared to what we have today. It’s a small wonder then that we needed human workforce to enable us to make a successful phone call.

另一个例子是电话接线员。 早期的电话是通过利用比我们今天更原始的技术来实现的。 难怪我们需要人力来使我们成功拨打电话。

Other similar examples abound — but you get the picture.


With the unstoppable advancements in technology, many of those early and quite crude capabilities gradually became more sophisticated. This progress had eliminated the need for having human workforce as intermediate enablers. Elevators became easier to operate, and then the profession of so-called became extinct. Likewise, today’s telephone switch centers are fully automated, and no one can hope to make money by selling their manual switchboard skills.

随着技术的不可阻挡的进步,许多早期的,相当原始的功能逐渐变得更加复杂。 这一进步消除了将人力作为中间推动者的需要。 电梯变得更易于操作,然后,所谓的就灭绝了。 同样,当今的电话交换中心是完全自动化的,没有人希望通过出售其手工总机技能来赚钱。

And of course, same thing happened with telegrams. We have obtained more sophisticated devices which enable us to send textual messages without having to master the Morse code.

当然,电报也发生了同样的事情。 我们已经获得了更复杂的设备,使我们无需掌握摩尔斯电码即可发送文本消息。

All these advancements have demonstrated how we have ushered into a new age that can be labeled self-serve. There is no more need for us to rely on being served when riding an elevator, or making a phone call, or sending out a message.

所有这些进步证明了我们如何迎来一个可以称为自助服务的新时代。 乘坐电梯,打电话,发送信息时,我们不再需要依靠服务。

所以这是一件好事,对吧? (So it’s a good thing, right?)

No, not really. It’s more of a trick, because now we’ve been conditioned into learning how to do everything ourselves. So, instead of purchasing an airplane ticket and then just arriving at the airport and getting everything taken care of by the airport staff, we are expected to rely on our self-serve skills.

不,不是。 这是一个把戏,因为现在我们已经习惯了学习如何自己做所有事情。 因此,我们期望自己依靠自助服务,而不是购买飞机票然后到达机场并由机场工作人员来照顾一切。

Instead of visiting a travel agent who will guide us through the travel package purchasing exercise, we are left to our own devices. We now need to rely on our own wits. We’re expected to do the magical ‘self serve’ and perform all the legwork.

我们不用去找旅行社来指导我们完成旅行套票购买练习,而是由我们自己使用设备。 现在,我们需要依靠自己的智慧。 我们期望做神奇的“自我服务”并执行所有的腿部动作。

So how is that advantageous? If we’re paying good money for something, shouldn’t the price include professional service as well? You see, we’ve been duped by the sneaky sales people who have leveraged technological progress to turn us into servants. Not only did we end up being servants, we are now servants who do the work for free. No, hold it, we’re not only doing the work for free — we’re paying out of our own pocket for the privilege to do someone else’s work!

那有什么好处呢? 如果我们花钱买东西,价格不应该包括专业服务吗? 您会发现,我们被狡猾的销售人员所欺骗,他们利用技术进步将我们变成了仆人。 我们不仅最终成为仆人,而且我们现在是免费工作的仆人。 不,坚持下去,我们不仅免费工作-我们还自掏腰包,有特权做别人的工作!

Amazing, isn’t it? That’s why I say that we’re now living in an age of the self-serve trap.

太神奇了,不是吗? 这就是为什么我说我们现在生活在自助陷阱时代。

幸运的是有一个出路。 (Luckily there is a way out.)

The game changer in technology goes by a very simple name — . A bot is a piece of technology that flips the tables on the dreaded self-serve paradigm. Bots propose to bring back the idea that humans should be served, not left to their own meagre devices in trying to serve themselves.

技术上的游戏规则改变者有一个非常简单的名称 。 机器人是一项技术,可以翻转可怕的自助模式中的表。 机器人建议带回应该为人类服务的想法,而不是让自己的微薄工具努力服务自己。

You see, the very raison d’etre of any bot is that it is put into place to serve humans. Maybe it would help if we look into a very simple, trivial example underlying the difference between self-serve and being served.

您会发现,任何机器人的真正存在之处在于它已经为人类服务。 如果我们研究一个非常简单,琐碎的示例,这将有助于自助服务与被服务之间的差异,那么这可能会有所帮助。

Every night just before I go to bed I set the wake up alarm on my iPhone. The time when I wish to wake up varies from day to day, depending on my schedule. So every night I open my iPhone, tap on the Clock app, tap on the Alarm icon, and then start fumbling around trying to set the exact time when I want to be woken up. So that activity would be your fabulous self-serve.

每天晚上,就在睡觉前,我都会在iPhone上设置唤醒闹钟。 我希望起床的时间每天都在变化,具体取决于我的日程安排。 因此,每天晚上,我打开iPhone,点击“时钟”应用程序,点击“警报”图标,然后开始摸索尝试设置我想被唤醒的确切时间。 这样的活动将成为您不可思议的自我服务。

Enter Siri (an iPhone bot who is designed to serve me, the iPhone master). All I have to do is say: “Siri, wake me up tomorrow at 6:30.” Siri will confirm by repeating back “I will wake you up tomorrow morning at 6:30.”

输入Siri(一个为我服务的iPhone机器人,iPhone大师)。 我所要做的只是说:“ Siri,明天6:30叫醒我。” Siri将通过重复确认“我明天明天6:30唤醒您”来确认。

See, that’s how I like things to work — I like being served. I definitely don’t like serving myself. It sucks. Same as it sucks when I go to the supermarket and roll my shopping cart to the checkout register only to learn that I now have to do the idiotic self-serve, instead of enjoying the professional service of well trained staff.

瞧,这就是我喜欢工作的方式–我喜欢被服务。 我绝对不喜欢为自己服务。 糟透了 就像我去超市并将购物车滚动到结帐台时的情况一样糟,只是得知我现在必须做白痴的自助服务,而不是享受训练有素的员工的专业服务。

And they tried to swindle us by labeling that as ‘progress’? Good riddance!

他们试图通过将其标记为“进步”来欺骗我们? 甩掉包袱!

And a warm welcome to bots!


Intrigued? Want to learn more about the bot revolution? Read more detailed explanations here:

感兴趣吗? 想更多地了解机器人革命? 在此处阅读更多详细说明:




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